How to Sell your Products on Amazon
If you've ever wondered how to sell products on Amazon, we're here to help. Whether you want to open an online store or just add a few items to an existing Amazon account, our simple instructions will get you set up in no time—and they're only getting easier.
Create an Amazon Seller Account
Start by creating an Amazon Seller Central account. Once you've done this and checked your email for your password, log in to the site and click on "Sign In" at the top right of your screen. This will take you to a page where you can either sign up as a new user or sign into an existing account. If this is your first time setting up an account, click "Start Selling."
Once on this page, enter some basic information about yourself: name, address, phone number and email address if desired. Once completed, select "Continue" at the bottom of the form; don't worry if some fields are missing—you can add those later when needed! After clicking "Continue," select which country's marketplace you'd like to sell on. Click on “Create Account” and follow any additional prompts until prompted with a notification “Congratulations! Your Amazon seller account has been created successfully!”
Create a Listing on Amazon
You need to create a product listing with the following:
- Product images
- Product details (including upc or barcode)
- Price
Upload Your Product Inventory
Once you've decided to sell your products on Amazon, you'll need to create a seller account, which opens up access to the Amazon Marketplace. You'll also need to provide your inventory information through their Product Information Management (PIM) tool.
Once logged into Seller Central, click on "Manage Inventory" in the top left corner. On this page, you can upload your product data by selecting "Add Products."
Uploading products is a straightforward process: simply click on each product category such as Clothing or Electronics until all of them have been added, then scroll down and click 'Add'. Note that custom attributes cannot be added until after they have been created within Seller Central's PIM tool (see below).
Set your Product Prices
You should be able to set the price of your products based on a cost analysis of your product, and you should make sure that it’s competitive with other similar products. If you sell items that are identical or very similar to ones sold by other sellers on Amazon, then you should price your item slightly lower than theirs so that you can get more sales and gain a competitive advantage over them.
First and foremost, the most important part of selling on Amazon is to make sure you have a good product. If you're going to be making sales, it needs to be something that people want to buy. Your price has to be competitive with other similar products in your category. Don't undercut yourself by charging too little; this will only hurt your brand and reputability in the long run. Promoting on social media is another way sellers can advertise their products in a cost effective way while building their audience at the same time.
If you’re looking to start selling on Amazon, this guide is for you. We hope that it helped answer some questions about how to get started and gave you some ideas for what kind of products might be best for your business.