How to Register a Trademark in Michigan?


To get a trademark in Michigan, you must first conduct a search and get clearance from USPTO. You can file through mail or online. This article will discuss the steps involved in trademark registration in Michigan.

Confirm if Mark is Registerable

You should confirm that your mark is registerable. You can do this by searching the USPTO database for similar marks, including those which are already registered, in use as a trademark or service mark, or otherwise protected under common law. If you find another mark that appears to be confusingly similar to yours, you may wish to discuss it with an attorney. You should also check whether your proposed mark will be “merely descriptive” of the goods and services being offered by your company (i.e., if it describes what they do).

Contact an Experienced Trademark Attorney

You can register a trademark yourself; however, doing so is not recommended. If you want to file for a trademark on your own, we've created an online guide that will walk you through the process step-by-step. This guide is only intended for individuals who are familiar with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) requirements and know how to navigate their website. If you aren't sure if this is something you would like to do yourself or not, it's best to meet with an experienced trademark attorney who can help guide you through the process and keep things on track with deadlines in mind. You can find one by searching here

File with the State

You can file with the state of Michigan through online or mail in registration. Mail-in registration costs less and is available to all applicants, but requires more time on your part. Online registration is faster and more convenient, but it costs more money than the mail-in option. In addition to providing information about your business, you also need to include:
  • A description of the mark you're registering (the words or drawings included in your logo). This should be as specific as possible without being overly long—but try not to use too many technical terms or industry jargon that might confuse someone who isn't familiar with this area of law.
  • A drawing or image of how your symbol will look when printed on clothing items like hats or shirts.


If you have a great idea for a trademark, you should consider filing a federal application first. If your mark registers, then it will be protected nationwide and prevent others from using it. You can file with the state of Michigan through online or mail in registration.