How to Register a Trademark in Maine?


A trademark is any word, phrase or symbol that uniquely identifies the source of a good or service. A registered trademark provides the owner with exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with their business. For example, Coca-Cola's name and logo are highly recognizable as its own brand. When you register your trademark in Maine, it helps prevent someone else from using your logo and marketing it as their own—which can lead to confusion among consumers about who really owns the product or service in question. Registering your mark in Maine allows you to establish yourself as an industry leader by protecting your brand from competitors who might try to pass off their goods as yours.

Choose a Trademark

When choosing a trademark for your business, you want to make sure that you are selecting an original mark. In order to register a federal trademark in Maine, the mark must be "distinctive" and not generic. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) will not grant a trademark if it is merely descriptive of the goods or services being offered by your business; this means that you cannot use words like "goods," "services," or "quality" in your company's name without first applying for registration.

Complete the Application

To complete the application for state trademark registration, you must:
  • Make sure that all of the requested information is provided. There are specific requirements regarding the application itself, including the mark and its classifications; a description of your product or service; and a signature.
  • Make sure you use the correct filing fee. This fee is determined by how many classes your mark falls under: one class costs $100 per class, two classes cost $150 per class, etc. For example, if your mark were two different types of products (clothing and accessories), then you would need to pay $200 total because your mark consists of two classes (clothing and accessories).

Submit the Application

The next step is to submit the application and filing fee to the Maine Secretary of State. You must pay a fee in order to file your application. The amount of this fee depends on whether you are applying for an intent-to-use mark or a use-based trademark. If you are applying for an intent-to-use mark, your application must be filed within five years of the first commercial use in interstate commerce of your trademark. You will also need to provide a copy of your federal registration certificate if it has already been issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).


If you are an individual or small business owner and want to protect your trademark, it is important to understand the process of how to register a trademark. A trademark registration helps protect your brand by preventing others from using it on their products or services.


A trademark registration is a good way to protect your brand and prevent others from using it on their products or services. If you are an individual or small business owner, it is important to understand the process of how to register a trademark.