How to Register a Copyright in Texas?


Copyright registration is an important step for creative individuals and businesses to protect their work. In Texas, you can register a copyright for your original works, including literary, musical, dramatic, pictorial, graphic, and audiovisual creations. In this blog, we'll go over the process of how to register a copyright in Texas in more detail.

Determine Eligibility

Before you start the process of registering a copyright, it's important to determine if your work is eligible for copyright protection. To be eligible for copyright protection, the work must meet certain criteria:
  • Original: Your work must be an original creation and not copied from someone else's work. This means that it must have been created independently by you, without drawing on the ideas or expressions of others.
  • Fixed in a Tangible Medium: Your work must be in a tangible form, such as written down on paper or saved on a computer. This requirement ensures that the work can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated for a period of more than transitory duration.
  • Creative: Your work must have some level of creativity, although the amount of creativity required is relatively low. This means that your work must have a certain degree of originality, imagination, and expression that sets it apart from other works.

Choose the Right Form

To register a copyright, you must complete and submit a copyright application to the United States Copyright Office. The Copyright Office offers several different forms, depending on the type of work you're registering. Choose the form that best fits your work and make sure to fill it out completely and accurately. There are three forms for registering copyrights in Texas:
  • Form TX: This form is used for literary works, including books, articles, and software code.
  • Form PA: This form is used for musical and dramatic works, including songs and scripts.
  • Form VA: This form is used for pictorial, graphic, and audiovisual works, including photographs, paintings, and films.

Prepare and Submit the Copyright Application

Once you've chosen the right form, you'll need to prepare and submit your copyright application. The application will require you to provide information about your work, including the title, date of creation, and your name and contact information. You'll also need to provide a copy of your work and pay a fee. The fee for registering a copyright varies depending on the type of work and the method of submission, but it typically ranges from $35 to $85. It's important to provide a complete and accurate copy of your work with your copyright application. This copy will be used by the Copyright Office to identify and preserve your work, and it will also be used as evidence in the event of a dispute.

Wait for Approval

After you've submitted your copyright application, the Copyright Office will review it to ensure it's complete and accurate. Once the Copyright Office has approved your application, you'll receive a certificate of copyright registration. This certificate is proof of your ownership of the copyright and can be used to enforce your rights in court.

Enforce Your Copyright

Having a registered copyright gives you the right to take legal action against anyone who infringes on your work. However, it's important to remember that registering a copyright does not guarantee that you will win a lawsuit if someone infringes on your work. You'll still need to prove that your work was infringed upon and that the infringement caused you harm. In the event of a dispute, it's a good idea to consult with an attorney who specializes in intellectual property law. An attorney can help you understand your rights and options, and can represent you in court if necessary. If you believe someone has infringed on your copyrighted work, you may be able to resolve the issue through negotiation or mediation. If these methods are unsuccessful, you may need to take legal action to enforce your rights. This may involve filing a lawsuit and proving that the infringement caused you harm. If you win the lawsuit, you may be entitled to monetary damages and an injunction to stop the infringing activity.

Keep Your Copyright Current

After you've registered your copyright, it's important to keep it current. You should keep a record of all updates or changes to your work, including any revisions or additions. Additionally, you may also need to renew your copyright after a certain period of time. The length of time for which a copyright lasts depends on several factors, including the type of work and the date it was created.


In conclusion, registering a copyright in Texas is an important step in protecting your work and ensuring that you have the legal rights to enforce it. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can register your copyright and ensure that your work is protected for years to come. If you have any questions or need help with the process, you may want to consult with an attorney who specializes in intellectual property law.