Why Choose Trademark Alpha for Copyright Registration?

4 Million+ Publishers

With the assistance of our skilled team, more than one million authors have obtained copyright protection through our services.

1 Million+

More than 1 Million clients have secured their crafts with us globally.

1 Million+ Consultations

Having conducted over 1 Million consultations worldwide, we boast the industry's most impressive success rate.

How Do We Operate?

Trademark Attorney
  • 1

    Provide Business Information

    Complete the form to give us an overview of your business.

  • 2

    Compilation and Analysis

    Your copyright application will be thoroughly examined and evaluated by our team of seasoned attorneys.

  • 3

    Filing and Submission

    Upon completion of the analysis, our experts will submit your application to the USCO.

About Us

Trademark Alpha - One-stop Destination for All Your Trademark and Copyright Registration Needs

Trademark Alpha is the one-stop destination for all your trademark and copyright registration needs. At Trademark Alpha, we aim to make registering your trademark or copyright as simple and stress-free as possible. Our team of experienced legal professionals specializes in providing high-quality copyright registration services to artists, authors, musicians, photographers, and other creative professionals. We understand the complexities of copyright law and work closely with each client to ensure that their copyright registration is completed accurately and efficiently.  

Trademark Filing

Our Services

Cease & Desist

If you suspect someone of infringing on your intellectual property, you can take measures to prevent additional infringement by providing a specialized form for each of your customers. Several situations call for legal action, such as when someone uses your intellectual property without your permission, when collection agencies harass you, or when you've been the victim of slander. With Trademark Alpha's experienced legal team on your side, you may save both time and money.

Trademark Registration Online

Filed 2 Million+
Copyright Registrations

Transfer of Copyright

Suppose you need to sell or transfer your copyright and have already registered as the owner with Trademark Alpha. In that case, you can access the template they provide and make any necessary changes. Only a written document signed by the owner or their authorized agent will suffice to complete the transfer. Our seasoned attorneys will promptly draught the appropriate paperwork to effect a change in ownership or to provide third parties permission to sell your vessel.

Trademark Slogan

Providing 24/7

Trademark Business Name
Trademark a Name

Get a USCO-Approved Copyright for $99! Protect your Creative Assets Now!

Our operations revolve around our clients, and we ensure that their requests for copyright registration are handled by the most qualified attorneys.

Our Service Packages


$ 99
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Professional Preparation of your federal copyright application including a review by the copyright team for accuracy, completeness and common mistakes
  • Federal E-Filing Electronic filing of your application with the USPTO with no need to wait for mail or dealing with paper files
  • Certificate of Registration that will be mailed to you directly from the U.S. Copyright Office.


$ 149
+ USPTO filing fee
  • Cease & Desist Letter A customer-specific form you can further customize if someone is infringing on your copyright.Avoid wasting time and money
  • Transfer/Assignment Custom assignment template. If you need to sell or otherwise convey your copyright, you have access to your pre-filled in template that you can further customize
  • 24-hour Expedited Processing of the preparation of your copyright application. Normal processing time is 5 business days in our Basic package

Frequently Asked Questions

Protect Your Creative Work: The Importance of Copyright Registration

We Ensure That Your Work is Protected Against Infringement

We Ensure That Your Work is Protected Against Infringement